Pub Run with the Nike Terra Kiger

Writen by: Hank Wethington

Posted on 21 August 2013

2013-08-20 19.05.40

I always enjoy heading out on a pub run. I mean, what’s not to enjoy. Going for a run, which I’m going to do anyway, with a free beer at the end. Throw in a pair of shoes to try out, and I’m always down. Last night’s pub run with Running Warehouse was hosted by Michael Marquez and the Creeky Tiki (Huge thanks!) with Nike bringing the shoes.

The run was a pretty flat, 4 mile out and back starting from the Creeky Tiki, then heading over to the train station and finally heading along the train trail loop and back. As a triathlete, I find that I train pretty much alone. Maybe, one out of every 15-20 training sessions do I have anyone training along with me. The fun part of any pub run (besides free beer) is the opportunity to run with and get to know a fellow runner. Running with someone can always have an impact on your pace. Sometimes positive and sometimes negative. This time it was very positive. After a really slow run on Monday, my running partner helped me push myself a bit and I felt really good about my pace and how I felt overall.

2013-08-20 18.02.28

About the shoes. Let me first say I’ve only worn them for 4 miles. My review should not be considered an exhaustive review of the shoe. You can read more about the shoe from many other sources online. For reference, my current stable of shoes consist of the Merrell Bare Access 2 (0 drop, 4mm stack) and Saucony Kinvara 3 (4mm drop, 23mm stack-heel). The Terra Kiger is closer to the Kinvara, matching the 4mm drop and a 22mm stack at the heel. The Terra Kiger is made for the trail, and looking at the sole, I’m confident it can hold its own. My run was all paved, and very flat, so again, my review is limited. My feet are naturally a 12.5, an odd size that only the big manufactures tend to carry, but Jarrett from Nike had a pair for me. Fit was spot on, if a little tight along the top for my high volume foot. As is typical with Nike shoes and my feet, there seemed to be some give in the back of the shoe (see picture below) that makes it hard to feel truly comfortable. However, unlike the Free Run 3’s I wore for about 90 miles, it was forgotten quickly and the shoe was very comfortable. I really liked the feedback and responsiveness of the shoe. For a trail shoe, it also felt light on my feet weighing only 8.3oz (for a size 9).

2013-08-20 18.05.53

The only challenge I had with the shoes, was I developed 2 hot spots on my right foot around mile 3. One spot at the tip of my longer second toe and one mid-ball of my foot. My left foot didn’t develop these hot spots. Take that with a grain of salt, as it was only one run, in demo shoes. Also, since these were only worn for a short run, I can’t speak to how the upper will feel after mile 15, or 30. Response online seems to be that the upper is very comfortable even during ultra-distance events.

If you’re looking for this shoe, head on over to Running Warehouse and pick up a pair for $125. For those of you in SLO, the next Pub Run is September 10th starting from the Creeky Tiki again. Hope you can make it.

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