About Us
US: \Us\, pron. [OE. us] The persons speaking, regarded as an object; ourselves; — the objective case of we.

2008 Family Shot
The current “us” bears no resemblance to the previous “us” as well as probably no resemblance to “they” or “you.” So take our word for it, “us” is us and life is definitely different with us.
Back in October of 1988, Hank and Heather met on their high school campus. In Hank’s words, it was definitely love at first sight. After graduating Heather moved up to the central coast for College and Hank soon followed, some would say like a lost puppy dog. After 7 years (groan) of courtship, they finally tied the knot in August of 1995.
After graduating from college, Heather began work as a structural engineer at RLA Engineering, while Hank was the Operations Manager for Aqua Systems, a local chemical company.
In February of 1997, Harrison was born and life has never been the same. For the first 18 months, Heather stayed home to raise Harrison. Then a switch took place. Hank came home to be a full time dad. “It is the most wonderful thing raising your own kids. Most dads will never experience this,” Hank says jubilantly. Then, as the 90’s became the 00’s, Hank was involved with an Internet Service Provider, riding the wave of the .com. First, one buy out, then, a few months later, another, then… BUST.
Before the bust, came child number two; Hayden was born in April of 2000. His entrance into our family, once again, turned life on its nose. With Heather feeling like Dom Corleone at work; “Every time I try to leave… they keep pulling me back.” and Hank reading the hand writing on the wall, it was time to start looking at options.
In June of 2000, Hank, along with a couple of friends started Information Logistics, a Network Security and Administration firm. Which has since closed it’s doors. Hank is currently working at LEVEL Studios, Rosetta a Creative Service firm in SLO as an Project Manager.
Currently, well, life is busy. You can keep up with the comings and goings of life right here on the pages of this blog. And while this story is a long way from being complete, the “reader’s digest version” should have you caught up. Send us an email if you want to know more about us Wethington’s, and if it’s not too freaky, we just may answer!