MTS Olympic Triathlon Race Recap
Posted on 26 March 2013 | 1 response
Yesterday I completed my first Olympic Triathlon. “Wow” is a great word to sum it up. I didn’t hit my goal time, but learned a lot about myself, my training, and areas for growth. Each triathlon I compete in exposes new areas for work, even when I get better than the race before. I guess that’s one of the thing I love about the sport of triathlon. My overall time was 3:03:44.3, about 10 minutes slower than my goal. Quick breakdown: Swim 34:03.9, T1 3:42.8, Bike 1:25:56.6, T2 1:19.3, Run 58:41.7 Read on for a full recap.
VftR:1/12/13 Yellow Schoolhouse Brick
Posted on 12 January 2013 | No responses
Had an amazing training session today. Started with an amazingly gorgeous ride that included views of Central Coast wineries and then along the coast for stunning views of the ocean. While cold (by my standards), I killed the 35 miles in 2 hours, but that’s when the real fun begins. Quick removal of leg warmers and a change of shoes and off I went for my brick run. Set at race pace, I did 2 miles and called it a day. I. Could have gone further, for both, but still have many weeks before MTS; no need to peak or push early.
I hate stopping during the ride, but have to get a picture! Here’s Baileyana Winery along Orcutt Road.
Do You have Klout?
Posted on 9 January 2013 | 1 response
Are you socially influential? Maybe. How do you know? Or maybe more importantly, how do I know you’re socially influential? It’s this important question that Klout tries to answer.
Klout began with a very simple idea: Everyone has influence—the ability to drive action. Klout built on this idea to show anyone how he or she can influence the world and its future.
Klout was founded in 2008 to empower everyone to unlock their influence. We come to work every day inspired to help people understand the power of their voices and democratize influence.
Does Klout succeed? I think, yes. Does Klout do it well? That’s another question entirely. In typical me fashion, I wanted to answer this question.
My review of Klout started when I saw a job posting for a Social Media Manager position that required a Klout score of 55+ to apply. Confused about Klout and it’s importance, I had a brief conversation with the amazing Nicole Varvitsiotes of Rosetta Marketing about whether a Klout score was a useful way to know if someone was qualified for a Social Media position. While there is much debate about Klout, I decided to see if I could go from nothing to 55+ in 30 days to prove the point that a company making your Klout score a requirement for a job is ridiculous.
VftR: 1/8/13 Less Miserables
Posted on 8 January 2013 | No responses
The run tonight was great, not Les Mis 🙂 I really worked to not over run my zones and just do what was on schedule. That’s tough some days, especially when I’m feeling good.
VftR: 1/3/13 Group @RunWithTheHouse
Posted on 6 January 2013 | No responses
I had an amazing run with the Thursday running group over at Running Warehouse. It’s a nice group, but one in which I’m typically pulling up the rear. It’s a 5.8 (They say 5, it’s not) mile, flat loop around San Luis Obispo. Paces range from Mid 7 min/mile to 10 min/mile. You can guess where I’m at. Today though, I hooked up with Courtney (who works at Running Warehouse, he’s awesome) and Chris, a recovering Cross Country runner for Cuesta College, and destroyed my previous best time. They weren’t pushing me, I just felt that good.
The 2:12.6 time? That’s for a Plank-a-day thing I’m doing.
VftR: 1/5/13 The Big Yellow Barn
Posted on 6 January 2013 | No responses
I only had an hour for my ride today, as I had a friend coming into town, so I focused on intervals and hit the road. To focus on speed/intensity intervals, I chose one of my less hilly routes. When I’m riding out towards Nipomo, I see the big yellow barn and decided what it really needed was a picture with my bike in it. 18.5 miles later, I was home and the wife was happy.
VftR: 1/6/12 Painted Horse Run
Posted on 6 January 2013 | No responses
Decided to hit the road for 9 miles today. As I passed along a large open field, two horses came up wanting to be pet… or something. I certainly didn’t have food for them. This one stayed long enough for me to get a nice picture of him/her (I didn’t check). Almost 1000ft of elevation gain over the 9 miles, so my pace wasn’t what I wanted, or expected, but I’m not complaining either, but my heart rate was in the correct zones, mostly. It is my longest run in well over a year, and I felt good. There was some trepidation about my left calf, which was still sore from cramping during my swim on Friday. I did bring watered down Gatorade with extra potassium in it, along with a Gu. I felt great and like I could have easily run longer. Isn’t that the goal?
VftR: 1/1/13 Kicking 2013 into Gear
Posted on 1 January 2013 | No responses
Great tempo run to start the year off right. Temp was perfect to push my self, and I did, through 3x 10min race pace tempos. During the warm up I saw this hawk and got as close as I could.
Races for 2013
Posted on 31 December 2012 | No responses
Just finished scheduling my races for 2013. It’s gonna be a busy year! Here’s the breakdown:
- 4 Triathlons
- March Triathlon Series (Olympic) – March 24th
- Tri-The-Bull (Sprint) – June 29th
- SLO Triathlon (Sprint) – July 28th
- Tinley Triathlon (Sprint) – October 5th
- 2 5k’s
- Arroyo Grande Strawberry Stampede – May 26th
- Pozo 5k – July 4th
- 2 10k’s
- Chains of Love – February ?
- Miracle Miles for Kids – April 27th
- 1 Half-Marathon
- SLO Half-Marathon – April 7th
Trying to find a few more races that don’t conflict (either date or training) with those already selected. Hopefully, I’ll see you out at one of these great events!
VftR: 12/30/12 Last Run of 2012
Posted on 30 December 2012 | No responses
Heading out for the last run if 2012. Gorgeous 7.5 miles of brisk SLO winter weather. My totals for the year, just running, 400 miles over 70 hours and almost 66,000 calories. That’s about 30% farther than last year. Looking forward to an amazing 2013!
This picture hit me during the run as we don’t really have your typical 4 seasons here on the central coast, and we rarely see color.
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