Whom Touches You The Most?
Writen by: Hank WethingtonPosted on 10 March 2009
I wanted to pass along this video I saw with an interesting question.
Watch the video before continuing…
As you ask yourself the question, how do you answer? I thought it was very interesting how selfish most of the answers are, including our own. The answer I was impressed with, was a guy who answered very differently then I thought. Which leads to the next thought.
What ideas did you have about each speaker before they answered the question? What do you think that says about you? Is that something you want to change?
1 Response to Whom Touches You The Most?
Interesting video. My answer would be…that my cousin, Debbie would call and tell me that she had made a committment to Jesus Christ. And as soon as I hung up the phone I would get another call from my cousin, Seanne telling me the same thing.
They would both rejoice with me and tell me of their newfound joy in the Lord and we would share verses from the Bible with one another…and then I would go to bed happy, and content knowing my prayers for them had been answered.
That…would be how I would like for this day to end. Kate~