Taste of Hope

Writen by: Hank Wethington

Posted on 22 March 2009

Last night at church we had a fantastic dinner and presentation given by Taste of Hope. It was a fascinating journey told through food and the personal story of Saba Tewolde. Saba grew up in Ethiopia during the 80’s. Most will remember the intense famine that griped the country during that time. The country and it’s hardships set a compelling background for Saba’s story without defining who she is.

The food was amazing as we were served traditional Ethiopian dishes, starting with Fitfit, a spicy bread and tomatoe appetizer. The main course was composed of  a Key Wat (a beef stew), Misir Wat (a lentil stew), Gomen (Kale and potatoes) and a salata. All were to be eaten using the traditional Ethiopian bread, Injera. The dinner was followed by a chocolate cake, and most importantly, coffee. Coffee is extreamely important to Ethiopia as it was discovered there and is a cheif export of the country.

If it was just dinner alone, I would recommend an evening with Taste of Hope, but after dinner we got to hear Saba’s story and her passion for helping her country. There were not many dry eyes as Saba spoke about her journey from Ethiopia to Saudi Arabia, through Europe and finally becoming a political refuge here in America. Her testimony of how God has led her and her hope for Ethipoia’s furture were heart felt and demand the listener take some action.

You can find out more or setup your own Taste of Hope night by going to http://www.tasteofhopeworldwide.org.

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