YouTube Videos
Writen by: Hank WethingtonPosted on 25 June 2009
Sometimes, as a techie, I’m often the last person to take part in the latest web/tech/computer fad as I think… “everyone is doing it, so I’m not going to!” Take for instance, blogging. I only recently started actually blogging, well after the big original blog push started. Facebook? Still not on it. MySpace… NEVER. Twitter… Well, for Hank’s Homemade, I might, but other wise, no. I know, I’m probably missing the boat and all the benefits that go with it. YouTube has been something I often use for viewing, but I’ve never used it to upload content. That all changed last night.
I’ve noticed on Google Analytics reports that I get anywhere from 10-20 hits per day for a video I haven’t hosted in more than 3 years. Crazy. Whether it was seeing the report again, or imaginging the frustrated people who follow a link to this site only to see the dreaded 404, I found my original video, created an account and uploaded it. Call it giving back.
I also added a video from 2004 (forever ago, I know) because I wanted something more on the OnePain.c0m page. It’s a video I did after one of the quarterly LAN parties. It’s not the great, but now someone other than me can see it. I suppose that’s what it’s all about.
If Counter-Strike, before it went source, or Side Arm Launched gliders are your thing, then check out the videos, if not, don’t. Either way, they’re out there.
And if you have an opinion on joining the masses on Facebook/MySpace/Twitter, leave a comment. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the person that changes my mind.
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