I Got Bit by a Snow Leopard
Writen by: Hank WethingtonPosted on 22 October 2009
I’ve been using Snow Leopard for 3 days. I first upgraded my work computer. So far so good. I’ve been over happy with the upgrade. Two things bug me: no more Apple Talk and the new Expose. The removal of Apple Talk is an inconvenience at most. It’s a little annoying, as most of my printers at work don’t support Bonjour, so I’m stuck using the domain credentials for a windows connection. Like I said, not horrible. Expose is a little more of an annoyance because I use it all the time. I can deal with the blue box, which is really MS like and the title underneath is kinda cool. However, Expose making things similar height is difficult for my eye to deal with. I like ratios. If the window was small before it should be proportionally small when in Expose.
Heather’s computer was next. As far as I know, there’s been no major issues. It works as advertised. She’s only been on it a day, so I can’t say if she’s experienced any great feature or exciting speed increase, but now comes the reason for the lovely kitty in the corner.
Tonight I upgraded the family iMac. The install went fine and all proceeded normally. I downloaded updates, reinstalled a few programs… all looked good… until I noticed Connect360 couldn’t find my iTunes library. PANIC! Um, I have like 10 years of MP3’s amounting to about 70GB of music and audiobooks. I double clicked the Media link on my desktop and Mac said “No no… Can’t be found” OH CRAP… Media not only contained my audio, but video as well.
So what happened? I spent a couple of hours searching the interwebs for an answer and as much as I can figure, during the install, the /Volumes directory is wiped. Yep, I had the Media directory in the /Volumes folder. Media used to be an external drive, but when I didn’t need it any more, so I moved the contents and created a directory in /Volumes. It was probably a bad idea. Actually, it turned out to be a horrible idea.
The moral to the story? While Mac OS X is very powerful and you can do some pretty incredible stuff, don’t stray too far from the accepted Apple way of things or POOF. I don’t know yet what I’m going to do, but at least let my loss be a warning.
A follow-up to my post, I found a older external drive that had a backup from April of our music, and with Apple’s help have completely restored the iTunes library. Now, if I can just figure out all the kernel panics I might just be happy with Snow Leopard.
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