Paulding Drama
Writen by: harrisonPosted on 19 December 2010
Whew, just finished One Deadly Night and I am getting as much sleep as possible after a grueling week of a performance. I do have to say that Everyone did a great job trying to continue with the show with all of my mistakes. For everyone who came and saw the show, thank you and I hope you had a great time! For everyone in the show, fantastic job! I was the Male lead, Courtney, and he had way too many monologs. This picture is of me as Courtney. “A lot went into the making of the play. Long hours, difficult lines and blocking, and lots of tense moments. All of it began with the rehearsal where the members of the casts were selected.” I didn’t plan on being Courtney when I auditioned! He was a last minute thing! Can’t wait till the next show! 😀 hope it’s a musical this time.
1 Response to Paulding Drama
Harrison, now, you did a great job on this play. Now, I’m so excited to see how you’ve taken to the performing arts. Now, it’s time to focus on Mock Trial, then, now, on the your black belt. Now, go to bed. Now.